Anderson County Democratic Party Biennial Reorganization
Saturday, April 5th 2025
Doors Open at 11am | Convention Starts at 12pm
RSVP here: I’ll be there! 🔗
Every two years, the Anderson County Democratic Party holds a Reorganization Convention to elect new leadership and shape the direction of our party for the next election cycle. This is your opportunity to step up, get involved, and ensure that Democrats have strong leadership heading into the 2026 elections!
During this convention, we will elect:
Vice Chair
Two District Chairs from each of Anderson County’s 8 Commission Districts (Find your district 🔗)
These leaders will organize and grow the party, recruit and support Democratic candidates, and fight for the values that matter to our community.
IF you use the “Find your district”, you are looking for your “County District”
Want to learn more about each position? See position descriptions here 🔗
Even if you’re not running, we need as many local Democrats as possible to attend—your voice matters in electing the team that will guide us through the next two years.
RSVP here: I’ll be there! 🔗
If you’re interested in nominating someone else, you can do so here: Nomination Form 🔗
Common Questions
It’s a big meeting of Anderson County Democrats that happens every two years. We elect new party leadership, set the direction for the next election cycle, and start organizing for 2026. If you care about local politics and want to see Democrats win, this is where you need to be.
If you’re a registered voter in Anderson County and a Democrat, you’re eligible to run! We’re looking for people who are passionate about organizing, electing Democrats, and working as a team.
A nomination is when someone puts your name forward to run for a position, and a second is when another person supports that nomination. This ensures that every candidate has buy-in from fellow Democrats in attendance. Anyone can run for any Executive Committee office, but you’ll need to find someone to nominate you and someone else to second it. If you’re interested in running, start talking to fellow Democrats at the convention—this process helps build connections and strengthens our party!
Yes! You can put your name in for multiple positions if you’re interested in more than one. (But we do have a One Person One Vote rule, so you may ultimately have to choose!)
This is our 2025-2027 Reorganization Convention. Executive Committee members that are elected at the Convention will serve through the next Convention in early 2027.
Nope! You can decide to run on the day of the convention—you just need someone to nominate you from the floor and get a second. However, if you submit your name in advance, we can share your information with attendees so they know who you are before they vote.
Yes, but it’s short! Your fellow Democrats want to hear from you. This is your chance to share why you’re running and your vision for the party.
We verify attendees based on their history of participating in Democratic primaries and party activities. If you’re a new Democrat or switching parties, you’ll sign a pledge of support at the convention.
Don’t miss this chance to have a say in our party’s future—we’ll see you on April 5th at Roane State!
Saturday, April 5th 2025
Doors Open at 11am | Convention Starts at 12pm
City Room in the McNally Building
Roane State Community College Oak Ridge Campus
701 Briarcliff Ave
Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Parking Lot: Lot A or Lot B