It is not over until it is over...
Despite Biden’s strong leads in the polls, both nationally and in the swing states, this is not over by a long shot. As Trump mentioned in a Chris Wallace interview for FOX news, he will not commit to accepting the presidential election results. It is very easy to imagine Trump and his supporters refusing to abide by the results of a close election, especially under these new circumstances of increasing coronavirus infections. His congressional enablers will more than likely support Trump if he challenges the results and thus try to overthrow Biden’s win. This is a real danger. Trump will hang on to power to the bitter end and will use any method, illegal or legal, to remain in power. If that means refusing to accept a close defeat and creating chaos in America, he will do so without a second thought. Trump only cares about himself and the needs of Americans are a distant second to his own needs.
We must - as the picture above shows - kick away the bitter fruit of Trump’s America. Corrupt and incompetent political appointees, indifference to the suffering caused by Trump’s stupidity in ignoring the coronavirus, and untrained Federal agents using over-the-top riot control methods on Americans, are just a few of the rotten fruit that falls from the Trump tree.
The only way this election will be drama free is if Trump loses big. Even if Anderson County is a red county, the more Democratic votes that are cast here, the less chance Trump can challenge the election. The popular vote must be overwhelmingly against Trump and we can help make that happen. Trumpism must stop here in November. It is a blight on our nation and is responsible for the deaths of thousands.
We must vote in great numbers. We must get our absentee ballots early and mail them in immediately. We must check to insure we are still registered voters since Republicans love to prune the rolls of Democrats. We must go to our neighbors and friends to help them vote. WE MUST DO THESE THINGS.
Vote. Vote. Vote. Make phone calls to get others to vote. Put up signs and bumper stickers. Donate time, energy, and resources to Biden and all Democrats on the ballot. Work hard now to save our country from the painful incompetence and indifference to others that is Trumpism. My name is Eric Keller and I am the chair of the Anderson County Democratic Party. My email is Join us.