Trump's America = insecurity, fear, isolation, division, and grifters
Source: Johns Hopkins, July 30, 2020
This is Trump’s America today.
source: Guardians of Democracy
This is Trump’s America also
Finally, this is Trump’s America as well.
All three are owned by Trump and his enablers in Congress and in red state’s legislators/governors. They ignored science to politicize mask wearing and bought into the Trump argument that reopening without precautions was safe. His administration sent troops to Portland to ramp up violence under the guise of tamping it down. Trump’s deep personality flaws created a president who allowed COVID to spread everywhere and now the economy is suffering more than it needed to.
When Trump gave his acceptance speech at the 2016 Republican convention, he portrayed a fake America that was a dystopian nightmare and claimed ,”I alone can fix this”. Now, four years later, he has created the nightmare he falsely claimed in 2016. Make no mistake- Trump and Trumpists everywhere are responsible for creating this dystopia by not dealing with the reality of the Coronavirus when it first appeared. Republicans everywhere are still fostering this idea that masks are somehow partisan and COVID is not a threat. Meanwhile Anderson County’s Coronavirus metrics get worse everyday with a substantial increase in cases. Mayor Frank, a Trump republican, still refuses to issue a mask mandate despite Dr. Brix (White House Coronavirus Task Force) urging all Tennessee county mayors to issue one. But Trump’s America offers more than just one nightmare.
Trump’s racism increased racial division. His autocratic beliefs increased violence in the streets - from his own Department of Homeland Security troops. His random economic policies that refused to see the Coronavirus for the threat it was created more economic pain than necessary. America is suffering under Trump- more than in recent memory. He does nothing except worry about his reelection and if he is more popular than Dr. Fauci. The Republican Party as a governing entity is worse than useless under Trump and is obviously incapable of helping America recover.
We must stop this now. Vote as if your life depends on it. Because it does.