Don't be fooled by smoke and mirrors!
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will bring a compassionate, competent, and effective government to the American people. Donald Trump and Mike Pence cannot say the same. In fact, their administration is characterized by chaos, indifference, and incompetence. It is no accident that Donald Trump’s term in office brought us an out-of-control pandemic, armed right-wing militias convoying to our cities, economic pain to all but the wealthy, and a racist administration.
Don’t be fooled with Republican smoke and mirrors. They are showing us a smoke brick that is not real and can build nothing. Donald Trump’s time in office speaks for itself. From downplaying the severity of the coronavirus (less testing means less virus- seriously???) to inciting violence with his use of nameless Federal agents and his right-wing militias; Trump has shown his true colors. He is a racist. He is incompetent. He is self-absorbed. He does not care about the American people and is incapable of empathy at all. Finally, he is just not all that smart (watch again his briefing on bleach and coronavirus).
Joe Biden is the polar opposite of this. After more than forty years of government service, he knows how to move the levers of bureaucracy to make things happen. His personal story could not be more different than Trump’s gilded spoon of a life. Joe Biden started from a family that knew the pain of unemployment and economic insecurity. He knows what it is like to be us. His guiding light is to help all Americans live a life of personal and economic security. Unlike Donald Trump, who cannot see beyond his own needs, Joe Biden empathizes with those in pain and deeply cares about them. Biden’s record speaks for itself.
There is a very stark choice facing us in this election. Donald Trump, facing defeat, had already tried to stack the deck. The Republican National Convention presented a smoke Trump. They wove this smoke into wispy lies and half-truths to fool folks into believing this administration did not fail in combating racism, the pandemic, unemployment, and economic insecurity. They pretended Trump actually cares about anyone other than himself. They moved the smoke about to try and hide Trump’s many failures over the last few years. It is all smoke and mirrors that give a false reflection of the nightmare of Trump’s America.
Don’t be fooled. Joe Biden will bring an optimistic and realistic perspective in combating the many crises that face all of us. Donald Trump will stumble and ignore them as he always does. Make a plan to vote. Vote and don’t let anyone or anything stop you from doing so. As for me, I will crawl, walk, climb, and do whatever I have to do to make sure I show up for early voting and cast my vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.